Diagnosis & Treatment of Pet Skin Conditions and Allergies

Skin problems in pets can be challenging to diagnose, and treatment can involve an extended process.
Skin conditions are often the result of a combination of irritants. For example, suppose a pet is itching because of a flea infestation. It develops hot spots from the excessive scratching, resulting in a bacterial infection and possible allergic reaction to the flea bites. Treatment would involve multiple modalities, from antiparasitic drugs and parasite preventives to antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents.
Your Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates veterinarians are skilled in diagnostic testing for dermatological issues. Once the source of your pet’s problem is identified, our expertise will aid in finding the most effective treatment for your pet's comfort.
Treating Skin Conditions

Dealing with your pet's skin condition can be frustrating, since it often requires patience to discover the most appropriate treatments.
Common skin conditions in pets include:
- Parasites
- Bacterial infections
- Dermatitis
- Fungal infections
- Allergies
- Skin tumors
- Ear infections
Diagnosing a skin disease or condition may require a variety of tests, including blood work, surgical biopsies, and skin scrapes. Treatment of these diseases may include a combination of medications: topical, oral, and injectable.
Our pharmacy is stocked with many medications needed to address skin diseases and conditions. These medications may include steroids, antibiotics, antihistamines, topical creams or ointments, antifungal drugs, and shampoos. In some cases, dietary supplements may also be recommended.
Restoring Your Pet’s Comfort

Whatever the diagnosis, your pet is most likely suffering.
Many treatments do not immediately alleviate your pet’s symptoms and discomfort. Our team works aggressively to implement medical symptom relief and pain management protocols whenever needed, as well as alternative, holistic treatments such as soothing baths, cold packs, scratch prevention devices, or isolation from irritants.
Read more about skin problems in pets from AAHA.
For help managing your pet’s skin conditions, please call (248) 646-5655.