dog on computer

Happy New Year! The team at Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates is so excited to em-bark on the fun 2024 has in store. Before we focus too much on the future, we want to cat-ch up on some of our favorite memories from 2023. Join us on our walk through memory lane of our top blogs from the last year:

  1. A Cat’s Tale: What Your Cat’s Tail Is Telling You

Did you know that the position of your cat’s tail can give you a hint about what she’s thinking? Or that a simple flick of a tail might let you know that your cat is feeling unsure about his surroundings? Learning what different cat tail positions signify can help you get even closer to your favorite feline. At the end of the day, isn’t that what life is all about?

  1. What to Expect When Your Dog Is Expecting: All You Need to Know About Having Puppies

Who doesn’t love puppies? If your dog is expecting, it is important to properly prepare for it. This blog helps you get your home (and your life) ready for a new litter of puppies to ensure that everyone is happy and healthy. As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions about upcoming puppies.

  1. What Could Possibly Explain Why Your Dog Licks Your Ears?

Dogs have plenty of quirky behaviors. If your dog has a tendency to lick your ears, you might be wondering why. Have no fear, our blog dives into this interesting behavior and gives you some tips on how to change it. We’ll walk you through the potential causes and help you find a solution that works for you and for your pup!

  1. Can and Should Cats Swim? Yes and Yes!

Most cats are known to be a little wary around water, but with a little positive reinforcement, they can learn to love it. Check out this blog for more on cats and swimming to see if you can turn your favorite feline into a professional swimmer.

  1. Pet Lumps and Bumps: How Serious Are They?

We know our pets better than anyone, and we are often the first to find unusual lumps and bumps that might pop up. Sometimes these lesions are harmless, but sometimes they can be a symptom of a larger issue. Check out this blog to learn more about lumps and bumps and when they require veterinary intervention.

Thank you for taking this stroll with us down memory lane. We wish you a very happy New Year and can’t wait to explore more veterinary topics together. If you have more questions or need to schedule a wellness visit for your special friend, please call (248) 646–5655.