Hands, dog paw on top. Veterinarian. Pet, owners. Animal hospital.If you want to get the most out of your next appointment with us at Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates, you need to make like a boy scout and be prepared. Keep reading to learn all you need to know about preparing for a vet visit.

What to Bring When Preparing for a Vet Visit

Along with showing up on time for your appointment, there are a few things that are helpful to pack when preparing for a vet visit. Aim to arrive a few minutes before your appointment time to allow for check-in and bring the following along you:

  • Bring your pet in a carrier or well-fitted collar and leash (leave the flexi-leads at home, please)
  • Take any medications or supplements your pet is taking with you
  • Bring fresh urine or fecal specimens, as requested
  • Take copies of any history or paperwork, especially if your pet has been treated at other facilities
  • Bring a list of questions along with you so that we can discuss the appropriate topics in the time allotted

It is most helpful if a person familiar with the pet comes to the appointment, even for wellness care. This allows us to better help you and your four-legged family member, whether he or she is a puppy or kitten, active adult, or senior citizen.

Help Us Help You

When you arrive, there are a few things that you can do in order to help us. Being honest and factual is extremely important. While it may be tempting to tell a little white lie or omit some details, knowing all of the information helps us to successfully treat your pet.

For example, knowing that Otis gets a porkchop every day for dinner might help us avoid unnecessary thyroid testing in order to see why he is gaining weight. The knowledge that Rover might have eaten your neighbor’s marijuana stash could help avoid diagnostic testing for other conditions of concern. The most important things are honesty and transparency.

Likewise, it is helpful if you can alert us to any behavioral quirks that your pet might have before the appointment. If your pet needs to wear a muzzle for nail trims, can’t stand the sight of cats, or gets an upset tummy with too many treats, we need to know before it becomes an issue.

During your appointment, it is also beneficial if you can engage and participate in the examination. Putting away your phone and other distractions helps you to get the most out of the visit. If possible, leave other pets and small children at home so that you can focus on what is going on and being discussed.

As the pet owner, you play an important role in your pet’s vet visit. Be sure that you are getting the most out of your time here by putting forth a little extra effort to prepare.

We look forward to seeing you and your pet!