The 365: Keeping the Bugs at Bay With Year-Round Parasite Prevention

Winter has a lot going for it. If you’re into snowshoeing, ice fishing, or simply enjoying winter’s beauty you’ve got it made in Michigan. But one of the best things about our sub-zero temperatures is the fact that the insects don’t bother us. If you can’t even remember the last time you saw a fly or mosquito, life is good, right?
As wonderful as this temporarily bug-free life can be, frigid weather is no excuse for stopping a pet’s parasite prevention. When the insects and ticks wake up and multiply, you’ll be glad you stuck to this year-round endeavor.
Cringeworthy Critters
Many pet owners take a break during winter and start up the prevention medication only after warm weather become the new normal. Unfortunately, this practice could expose a pet to various vector-borne illness.
It only takes 1-2 days of temperatures above 50 degrees for mosquito eggs to hatch. With unpredictable weather patterns in the spring, this could be any day now. Fleas go dormant during winter, but wake up as soon as the great thaw begins. Drawn in by warmer temperatures, they easily hitch a ride inside your house on your clothing or shoes, ready to make your pet their first blood meal of the season.
There’s More!
Of course, the primary parasites that we want to protect your pet from are fleas, ticks, and heartworm-carrying mosquitoes (these bugs threaten your family’s health, too). Additionally, various internal parasites can harm pets and be passed to humans, particularly if your pet visits public parks, dog runs, boarding facilities, etc.
The best way to keep everyone under your roof safe and healthy? Year-round parasite prevention.
Cost Vs. Value
Adhering to a strict monthly schedule is a better plan for your pet’s health and for your wallet. The cost of treating a flea infestation or providing a heartworm removal surgery are much higher than 12 times their monthly dose. Plus, why expose your pet to the possibility of terrible disease or infestation? It’s just not worth it to roll the dice on parasite prevention.
Don’t Wait (You’ll Thank Us)
If you wait to place your pet on their parasite prevention medication, you’re already starting at deficit. All it takes is one flea. Capable of laying ver 50 eggs a day, the battle is in their favor.
As for heartworm disease, any worms that possibly infected your pet in the late summer or early fall could be growing and multiplying without the medication doing its job. Monthly protection against heartworm disease is crucial because of their life cycle and development time.
In other words, pausing medication long after any threat of mosquitoes doesn’t protect them if they’ve already been infected. At your pet’s upcoming wellness exam, we’ll discuss the importance of a heartworm test to rule out this possibility.
There’s an App for That
By creating a reminder in your phone’s calendar or tablet you’re giving your pet every chance at health and wellness. Once a month, they should receive their parasite prevention medication at the same time. Making this a habit will reinforce the action and keep them healthy all year.
Year Round Parasite Prevention
Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates would love the chance to help you protect your pet. Please let us know that you’d like more information on the correct parasite prevention for your cat or dog. Our veterinarians and staff members are always here for you!