laparoscopic surgery in dogsSurgery is a big deal, no matter if you have two legs or four. We are constantly looking for better and less painful ways to accomplish surgical procedures.

The team at Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates is proud to provide only the best for our pet patients. Part of this is staying at the forefront of technology when it comes to our treatment offerings.

We have recently added a laparoscope to our practice. Laparoscopic surgery in veterinary medicine is a new but very effective way to bring the latest in technology to you and your pet.

What is a Laparoscope?

You probably have had or know someone who has had laparoscopic surgery. This method is commonly used in human medicine. It involves the use of a tiny camera designed for surgery to access areas in the body, such as the abdominal cavity.

During laparoscopic surgery in veterinary medicine, the patient is anesthetized and prepared for the procedure as normal. A small incision is then made in the area of concern. This allows us to insert the laparoscope into the body. One or two more small incisions may also be created, depending on the procedure, in order to allow the introduction of surgical instruments.

The abdomen can then be filled with gas, allowing us a better view through the camera on a monitor in the surgery room. It is amazing what we can accomplish through such a tiny opening!

Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery in Veterinary Medicine

Laparoscopic surgery has been around for a long time in the human world. We are really just starting to use it more in veterinary medicine, and there are some great reasons to do so.

The benefits of laparoscopic surgery in veterinary medicine are similar to those seen in human medicine. Reasons that we use this technology include:

  • A smaller incision
  • Less pain post-operatively
  • Faster healing time
  • Better visibility for the surgeon
  • Shorter anesthesia times
  • Fewer complications, such as bleeding
  • Faster anesthetic recovery

Laparoscopic Possibilities

Most surgeries that we do in veterinary medicine can be done laparoscopically. Some of the more commonly performed procedures include:

  • Spay
  • Cryptorchid neuter
  • Abdominal exploratory
  • Biopsy of internal organs
  • Bladder stone removal
  • Gastropexy to prevent GDV (“bloat”)

Laparoscopic surgical techniques allow us to perform procedures with less risk and discomfort, which is a win for all involved. We are pleased to be able to offer this technology to our pet patients. Please contact us if you have questions or are interested in learning more about laparoscopic surgery for your pet.