Making changes is never easier than at the start of a new year. Sure, it can be a challenge to embark on a new running regimen in January (unless an indoor treadmill is available), but general resolutions can lead to great changes throughout the new year. When we make a list, set the stage for change, and commit to better choices, we’re more likely to be successful.

And we’re not the only ones who benefit from new year’s resolutions. No matter what species, breed, age, or lifestyle, overall pet health and happiness can always be improved.

Where to Start?

It’s not unusual to feel a bit overwhelmed regarding changing your patterns or perspectives, but pet health resolutions can be very simple to make – and keep.

Start small with goals you know you can reach; branch out to next-level achievements once the foundation for change has been established.

Basics of Pet Health

Exercise – it’s not just good for humans. Pets need it, too! If you’re already walking your pet once a day, increase it to twice a day. Shake up your pet’s routine with new outdoor experiences like hiking, boating, or running alongside your bicycle. For your indoor pet, try playing with them more frequently throughout the day, and encourage them to play new games like hide-and-seek, fetch, or agility-based games.

No More Indulgences

What goes hand in hand with exercise? Diet, of course! Take action against a pet’s weight gain by carefully measuring food portions, adopting an age-appropriate food, and eliminating high-calorie treats. Before you make changes, however, we recommend scheduling a wellness exam to ensure your pet gets exactly what they need nutritionally.

Speaking of Wellness Exams

Pet health is greatly improved by regular wellness exams because we’re able to detect illnesses early on and safeguard against future problems. Don’t forget, routine vaccinations and parasite prevention must continue throughout the entire year. We can also help you address any issues related to grooming, behavior, or other pet health concerns.

One More Thing

Do you brush your pet’s teeth at home? Good oral hygiene directly impacts overall pet health, with poor dental habits leading to periodontal disease and systemic illness. A great resolution in the new year involves daily or weekly attention to your pet’s teeth, annual professional cleanings, and any other necessary procedures.

Three Cheers for Pet Health!

Our veterinarians and staff are always here for you and your pet. As you begin another year together, we hope it’s full of pet health, happiness, and good times. Happy New Year!