Without a doubt, most pet owners consider themselves to be the best pet parents out there. After all, whoever gives the most snuggles surely loves his or her pet the most, right? However, being a responsible pet owner goes well beyond simply showing affection. It requires us to make some important commitments to keeping our fur friends happy and healthy.

Top Traits of a Responsible Pet Owner

You’re committed to your pet’s health. As an awesome pet parent, you never miss any of your fur kid’s wellness exams, vaccine and parasite prevention requirements, teeth cleaning appointments, or any other health needs. You take the time to learn how to better encourage good pet health and follow up with any recommendations to give your pet the most amazing life possible.

Your pet has been trained and socialized. As a friend of Fido, you know how important comprehensive behavioral training and ongoing socialization is to your dog’s well-being. Not only does your pet recognize and respond to essential basic commands, he or she also gets tons of compliments at the park on great behavior. Way to go!

You provide exercise and play each day. Even when you’ve worked a hard 10 hour day, you never neglect your pet’s need for interaction and exercise. When you simply cannot go on those walks or play a 20 minute game of feather chase, you enlist the help of another family member or professional pet sitter to provide the attention your pet deserves (along with mental and physical enrichment).

You understand the importance of nutrition and a healthy weight. Close to two-thirds of the pet population is overweight or obese, so you understand the problems that a few extra pounds can bring. You provide quality nutrition in the right portion sizes and avoid relying on treats alone to show your pet love.

You help curb the pet overpopulation problem by electing to spay or neuter. You’re not just totally head over heels about your pet, you also care about all pets and want the best for them. As a primo pet parent, you understand the importance of spaying/neutering for the health of all pets, including decreasing the number of animals who would otherwise end up in shelters.

You’re always learning more about pet health and safety. Whether you’re out advocating for shelter dogs and cats or donating to a favorite pet charity, you’re the first to help an animal in need. You also lead by example, showing the world just how amazing responsible pet ownership can be. Thank you!

At Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates, we sing the praises of our amazing pet owner clients who care so much for their adorable pet companions. To all of the responsible pet owners out there, give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it!