A Closer Look at New Year’s Pet Safety

Due to the prevalence of holiday-related pet emergencies, a significant emphasis must be placed on prevention. The weeks between Halloween and Valentine’s Day are full of potential hazards to our pets, and incidents peak around New Year’s Eve. It’s not just the food, drinks, noise, and weather, but the combination of all potential dangers can result in terrible consequences. On a night that’s supposed to be celebratory and hopeful, keep pet safety measures in focus.
It’s easy to take for granted a pet’s disinterest in various stimuli. They could ignore something, like your coffee for example, for years until the one day they decide that they absolutely must taste what’s inside your mug. The result is a potentially dangerous threat to their health and well-being.
In other words, it’s a good idea to assume that your pet will just get into risky stuff because…they can. Even if your assumptions turn out to be unfounded, at least you’ve made steps to ensure that your pet is protected from their opportunistic or curious impulses.
It’s Like Pet Proofing
Remember when you brought your pet home for the first time? You probably went a little bananas going around the house removing possible hazards like power cords, chemical cleaners, medicines, batteries, and so much more.
When it comes to thwarting holiday-related incidents, your approach should be similar. Take every possible risk at your pet’s paws into consideration, then swiftly remove and store them to prepare for New Year’s pet safety.
This includes toxic foods, like chocolate or Xylitol, alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, rich, fatty foods, and prescription, over-the-counter, and recreational drugs.
A Word About Noise
Unsurprisingly, one of the worst parts about New Year’s Eve (for pets) is the neighborhood noise and possible fireworks displays. The unpredictable clatter and chaos really sets their teeth on edge. Stay in front of this negative effect by creating a safe, quiet, and calming space for your pet. A back room away from it all is ideal. Low-lighting, white noise, and some rewards make the experience less freaky.
Anxious or stressed pets respond with a fight or flight instinct. Be sure their ID tags are in good shape and update their microchip’s contact information if needed. Check your home’s screens, windows, and doors for security, and inspect fences and gates to reduce outside escape attempts.
Going Somewhere?
If you’re planning on leaving your pet home alone on New Year’s Eve, be certain that they’ll be 100% safe and comfortable. If you cannot tend to their needs within 2-3 hours, enlist someone who can check on them.
Together Forever
Many pet owners opt to stay at home with their pets on New Year’s Eve, mostly because it’s just so wonderful to be together. Snuggle up with a pet-themed movie, watch the ball drop, and work on those New Year’s Resolutions.
If you have additional questions about pet safety this holiday season, please give us a call at (248) 646–5655. From all of us at Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates, happy New Year!